Общежитие № 3 СПбГУКиТ

Общежитие № 3 СПбГУКиТ рядом с

  • Широта, Долгота: 59.877458, 30.3860531

Общежитие № 3 СПбГУКиТ часы работы

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Общежитие № 3 СПбГУКиТ Отзывы

I haven't been inside, but I live opposite. So, besides the fact that there are constant drinking, they also go far. Bottles fly from the windows (3 years ago neighbors wrote a statement about damage to property), in May 2021 they shou …

Hostel as a hostel, usual. Repairs are not being made, household items are bought by the students themselves, one shower and toilet on the floor, one kitchen. Audibility is high …

I came from Riga and lived for 2 weeks in this hostel, it is cozy. For some reason, the taxi operator called Bratskaya Street, not Prague Street. Maybe I have dicti …

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